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How to Fill Vacancies FAST!

How to Fill Vacancies FAST!

By Blackbird Realty

LAS VEGAS, NV. – There’s nothing worse than having a vacant rental property because it obviously means that you will have to pay all of the mortgage and all regular expenses yourself because you don’t have an active tenant to cover those costs.

Easy Tips for Filling Vacancies

Tip 1 – Make sure you’re renting your Las Vegas Rental Property for a comparable market rent. You can do this by reviewing rental ads for the local area, visiting comparable rental properties or researching rents online.

Most renters will know if a rental is overpriced so it’s always best to rent your property for a fair market rent.

Tip 2 – Review your rental ads to see if they need to be rewritten or not. This is easy to do if you think like a renter and ask yourself if you would be interested in renting your own property.

If the answer to your question is no, then you need to rewrite your rental ad so that it stands out from other ads and mentions amenities and features that would be ideal to other renters.

Tip 3 – Update your rental property with new paint, flooring, hardware, appliances and features that will make the rental look new regardless of its age.

Tip 4 – Think about allowing pets. We know this may be hard for you to consider but the reality is that if you allow pets, you’re going to open up your rental to potentially hundreds of other renters.

It’s best to consider allowing pets because most pet owners take good care of their pets regardless of the type of animal or breed.

Tip 5 – Got other tenants? Ask them for referrals. This is a good step to follow especially if your current tenants are responsible people who pay their rent on time and don’t give you any problems.

Learn More

For more solutions for renting your renting your Las Vegas rental property contact us today at (702) 903-3556 or click here to connect with us online.

